If you are preparing for an interview, a common question you will face is ‘Where do you see yourself in five years?’. Interviewers ask this because they want to know about your future goals and if you will be a good fit for the company in the long run. So, if you are confused about how you should answer it like a pro, our team of career experts at Voyager Partners will tell you with it. And you can achieve the career of your dreams!

How To Answer ‘Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years’ Expertly?

The best way is to begin first with why employers actually ask you this question.

Why Do Employers Ask ‘Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years’?

There are 2 simple reasons why the employer asks you this question.

  • To ascertain whether you are looking for long term growth with the company.
  • To see if your career goals match what the company is offering you.

To ascertain whether you are looking for long term growth with the company.

Let us explain. Most professionals do not look forward to sticking around in the same company for 5 years. They prefer going above and beyond to improve and better their career growth. While this is beneficial to the professional, this can be harmful to the company’s environment.

This is because organisations are spending the time, money and effort in training the candidates to be better suited for the position, according to Voyager Partners’ experts.

There is also less turnover and related employee expenses if employees stay in the organisation for a longer period of time. So, if you cannot see yourself with the company or in that position in the long term for your career growth, this becomes important information to the company.

To see if your career goals match what the company is offering you.

No matter the position you are applying for, you might have a few goals in mind before you join an organisation. This question is a good way to ascertain whether your career goals align with the company and whether they match what the company is offering you currently or in the long run.

Best Ways To Answer ‘Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years?’

There are 3 simple steps to mastering the answer to this question.

Define your career goals clearly.

Brainstorm and think carefully how you want to improve in your career and where. Do you want to learn new skills related to your field, whether you want to move on to managerial positions, if you are interested in working for a particular project or industry, etc. These are all good questions to begin with.

Connect your goals to the job description through skills you already possess or want to ace in.

To connect better with the company during your interview, look at the job description carefully. Next, you need to figure out whether you can connect the skills or points mentioned in the job description with qualities you already have. This gives you a point of relation to prove why you are a better fit for the job and company.

Before asking the company, evaluate whether the company can help you achieve your career goals.

If it cannot, you can either re – evaluate the position or the company you are applying for and to respectively. You can also let the company know upfront that you may not be available with them for the next 5 years.

We hope that the advice from our Voyager Partners team has been helpful. Time to apply them next!

Also Read: Comprehensive Job Description Of Azure Data Engineer

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