It’s that time of the year, just after the new year and the bonus season, that it’s the most popular time for switching jobs. For many different enterprises, the transition brings forward many expansion plans, a pile of newly vacated positions, and some head-scratching.
The unemployment rate is low in the United States and many other countries, so finding talent is becoming a significant risk factor.
Research shows that employment is expected to grow annually at 0.7 percent from 2016 to 2026, much faster than the prior decade.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
In the current scenario, employers need to take steps to become more creative at finding the right talent. Startup experts recommend casting your net as wide as possible by using all the available avenues. It will help search for superstar employees. This comes true especially when your startup business is battling against business giants who’re making big money.
And why not? Attracting top talent has become essential for building a sound future for your organization. In the quest for talent-sourcing activities, developing a talent pipeline that enhances your chances for good growth is crucial.
The right candidate may mean a low employee turnover and much greater productivity. On the flip side, hiring an incompetent candidate may harm your company culture and save resources in training employees who will only add something fruitful to your company.
The problem is more complex than it seems. The recruitment team has to know the right strategies for engaging suitable candidates but also how to streamline the process for targeting the right professionals for the open position.
When curating your talent pipeline, developing a full-proven strategy capable of targeting the aptest candidates is imperative. These include some online recruitment initiatives like building a career page on your company’s website and positioning your company in a manner that seems like a great place to work through online channels. Remember to include offline recruitment methods like encouraging employee referrals and attending events for meeting and greeting prospective employees in person.
Candidate Sourcing- What is it?
Talent sourcing is the process of searching for qualified candidates. In this process, your team engages with the potential that has the chance of moving through your talent pipeline and may fill the current and future positions in your company.
These various types of outreach recruiting instances include building an employer brand so that the candidates can understand the benefits of working with your organization.
Research states that around 36% of employees seek a new opportunity at any time. However, it is overwhelming to learn that only approximately 90% consider talking through and learning more.
Another recruiting benchmark research has shown that sourced candidates are more efficient than those who apply.
Studies show that around 36% of the workforce actively looks for a new opportunity at any time.
Now that candidate sourcing promises fruitful results, how to hire the right talent for your organization?
What Strategies Help Source the Best Talent for your Organization?
Well, here are some candidate sourcing strategies that are sure to assist you in filling your funnel with well-qualified candidates:
- Referrals:
Hiring managers- try looking at the people who’re already around you. While companies think they have great tools to bring the right talent for themselves, they often need to remember that employees, too, have an extensive network to tap the best enterprise for themselves.
“I get by with a little help from my friends” is an adage.
Businesses say that they usually get their quality hires from employee referrals.
-LinkedIn Report, 2017.
And that tactic makes a lot of sense.
- Job Boards and Career Sites:
It is very rightly said, Love them or Loathe them- Job boards and online career sites are a sure-short way of getting as many eyes on your job postings as possible. Thereby, businesses must ensure choosing suitable sites for themselves, as some search sites have the reputation to focus on specific industries like tech.
Around 43% of job seekers search for positions using a job board, while 32% of a career site.
- Jobvite
- Social Media Networks:
Hiring managers increasingly source talent for social media networks.
Around 95% of the companies surveyed said they successfully hired from LinkedIn. And approximately 24% of employees said Facebook is effective, while 16% credited Twitter.
Hiring managers believe social networks are a fantastic way to forge meaningful relationships through passive candidates. Studies have shown that most recent hires came from my social networks.
- Attend Events & Network Constantly:
Your talent pool can have dramatic expansion when you spend quality time with the right people in the right places. Business people have extensively met some talented people at corporate meet-ups.
These non-pressurized surroundings are a fantastic way to meet people in the right industry and for business promotion. Giants from all across the world agree with the power of networking. They exclaim:
“You’ve got to cultivate your network so whenever you have a hire to be made, you can reach out to people who have worked with those types of folks before and fill that role very quickly.”
- Gautam Gupta, Co-founder, Naturebox
- Become an Employer Candidates Choose:
Candidates are more likely drawn to a company with a positive work culture and mission. Cultivating a lively and progressive company culture may help employees approach you.
By focusing on core values, companies will “find people who are symbiotic and synergistic with your mission, who really connect to your mission.”
- Poshmark CEO Manish Chandra
- Consistent Communication:
While some enterprises generate an automatic reply for every applicant, the other 40% of recruiters, on the flip side, don’t reply at all.
This inconsistent communication leaves a negative taste in the mouth of the job candidate. If a candidate is unsuitable for a particular job, ensure never to reject.
Recruiters must be generous enough to keep an open channel of communication with them and humbly respond to why they’re presently unfit for the job. Still, they might prove fruitful in the long run.
Around 55% of candidates report that they’ve already had a relationship with the company- much before applying for the position.
Responding to reviews, expanding your candidate pool, and leveraging your current employees are some ways of sourcing your candidates. These IT staffing strategies will help your business find the apt people for the most-appropriate positions.
Key Takeaways
The best candidates are in such great demand that business organizations must be strategic if they want them to win and get an edge over the competitors.
When the competition for top-tier talent is high, hiring managers must go out and unleash the caliber of candidates they need for your enterprise to succeed in the long run.
Experts like Voyager Partners suggest using these candidate sourcing strategies. This helps fill your pipeline using qualified talent so that you can select the best team for your company.
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